Subject: Re: Matlab (linux-emul) on 2.0BETA, and libpthread?
To: None <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/13/2004 15:39:21
In article <>,
Hauke Fath <> wrote:
>I have Matlab running in console mode on a few i386 1.6.2 machines in
>the lab here. The same setup on a 2.0 machine, on the other hand, gives
>[hf@dobratsch] ~ > matlab -nojvm -glnx86
>/usr/lib/ no version information available (required by
>br13/bin/glnx86/matlab: /usr/lib/ no version information
>available (required by
>br13/bin/glnx86/matlab: /usr/lib/ no version information
>available (required
>at labr13/bin/glnx86/matlab: /usr/lib/ no version
>information available (required by
>labr13/bin/glnx86/matlab: error while loading shared libraries:
>/usr/lib/ undefined symbol: __sF
>[hf@dobratsch] ~ > uname
>-a NetBSD 2.0_BETA NetBSD
>2.0_BETA (GENERIC_DIAGNOSTIC) #1: Mon May 10 13:59:11 CEST 2004
>[hf@dobratsch] ~ >
>A ktrace doesn't tell much more. The linux emul packages are the same
>for both machine types (suse 7.3).
>Since this appears to be the one big related difference between
>NetBSD 1.6 and 2: How sure can I be that a linux binary does not try to
>pick up a NetBSD library ( in this case)?
>Don't laugh - when we attempted to call NEdit
>from within Matlab on a NetBSD 1.6 machine, we had to wrap NEdit in a
>shell script that reset LD_LIBRARY_PATH; otherwise it attempted to
>pick up a linux shared library. "Ouch."
Now, you re picking the NetBSD libpthread from a linux binary and this
will not work.