Subject: strange bootmenu entries
To: None <>
From: Jukka Salmi <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/27/2004 23:38:38
on a -current system I was using the normal boot code from /usr/mdec/mbr.
Now I installed the GRUB boot loader (grub-0.94nb1 from pkgsrc); since
then fdisk shows strange bootmenu entries:
$ fdisk wd0
Partition table:
0: Linux native (sysid 131)
bootmenu: Error
start 63, size 80262 (39 MB, Cyls 0-5)
1: NetBSD (sysid 169)
bootmenu: =B4\016=CD\020=AC<
start 80325, size 14683410 (7170 MB, Cyls 5-919)
2: OpenBSD (sysid 166)
bootmenu: =C3
start 14763735, size 40033980 (19548 MB, Cyls 919-3411)
3: Primary DOS with 32 bit FAT - LBA (sysid 12)
start 54797715, size 20964825 (10237 MB, Cyls 3411-4716), Active
Bootselector disabled.
(The menu entry from partition 1 actually contained so (016) and dle (020)
characters which I don't want to send unencoded. I think it's enough for
me having to reset my terminal after every "fdisk wd0"...)
As a workaround I zeroed MBR_BS_MAGIC on wd0. But after the next fdisk /
GRUB install the problem will be back again...
Any hints? Comments?
TIA, Jukka
bashian roulette:
$ ((RANDOM%6)) || rm -rf ~