Subject: Successfully installed NetBSD... Internet connectivity?
To: None <>
From: Masik Shmasik <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/03/2004 17:38:27
First of all, I'd like to say that it was easiest install ever despite
the common opinion in reverse. Now, the first thing I want is to connect
to the internet. Well, of course I have a winmodem, but it works great
with ltmodem drivers on gento. I currently installed NetBSD on a separate partition and dualboot it. I'm new to all this package system
( which called ports on FreeFSD, correct?) and assuming it has to work
similarly to what gentoo refers as ebuilds. The whole point of my
curiosity about NetBSD is that it compiles from source with something
referred as pkgsrc, but which is not installed by default? Am I correct? Being said that, what is my next step? Does NetBSD has a source
package for ltmodem? Do I need to save those pkgsrc and whatever else
I need for a dial-up on a CD, copy them somewhere ( BTW where ) and...
what? Does pkgsrc will calculate dependencies for me or I have to know
them myself, in other words it just installs the package? What dial-up
tools NetBSD has? I feel pretty comfortable with wvdial on Gentoo,
so If NetBSD has this package this could be wonderful. If not,
what NetBSD people use for dial up?
When I have finished the installation sysinst told me to edit some
file ( was it /etc/rc.conf? ) Can anyone give me some basic sample
of this file?
I was quite surprised to notice that NetBSD creates some sort of
virtual drive and installs two separate partitions inside them?
I have installed it on my last fourth partition. Surprise for me.
I doesn't use swap? Yet again, surprise.
Thanks for your replies.