Subject: Re: NetBSD VM support?
To: Malcolm Herbert <>
From: Mathew, Cherry George <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/18/2004 17:10:13
>>>>> "Malcolm" == Malcolm Herbert <> writes:
Malcolm> OK, maybe I really should have said I want to run
Malcolm> NetBSD-i386 under a virtual machine on a Windows-i386 PC,
Malcolm> although the fact that I posted this to port-i386 should
Malcolm> have been a clue ... :)
You may want to try qemu-0.6 for windoz. Its surprisingly fast as
I booted NetBSD_2.0 with it. YMMV.
- I speak for myself. Not for Intel. Where it not for the corp
firewall, I'd have sent this email from my private id.
It's very important that you sleep because that's when your brain is
garbage collecting. And a dream is if you are interrupted in the
middle and have junk left in the registers.
-- Gerald Sussman