Subject: Re: mounting linux partitions, all of them?
To: Miles Nordin <carton@Ivy.NET>
From: Paul (NCC/CS). <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/13/2004 12:17:45
Wow! it worked. thanks alot.
I had even more stuff on this disk than I remember.
Good thing I got in.
Those 2 lines though...
$ sleep 90 < /dev/rsd0d &
$ mbrlabel -w sd0
what an incantation:)!
what does this do, how does it work?
I'm guessing it opens up a WORM hole for 90 seconds
in which you can gets your mounts in.
I don't understand it very well. Anyway...
Miles Nordin wrote:
> >>>>> "p" == Paul (NCC/CS) <> writes:
> p> I have about half a dozen linux partitions on a disk but I can
> p> only mount 3 of them.
> I think what you want is mbrlabel.
> $ sleep 90 < /dev/rsd0d &
> $ mbrlabel -w sd0
> then mount at least one partition on the disk before the 90seconds is
> up.
> --
> Le fascisme est la dictature ouverte de la bourgeoisie.
> -- Georg Dimitrov
Australian Bureau Of Meteorology