Subject: Re: Courier
To: None <>
From: Richard Ibbotson <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/03/2004 12:53:39
> >
> I think you're mixing things up. Fetchmail retrieves mail from a
> pop/imap server and can, optionally, work as a pop/imap->stmp gateway.
<puts gun to head>
> All packages in NetBSD install in $PREFIX, which defaults to /usr/pkg,
> so all courier related programs will be there (probably in
> /usr/pkg/libexec)
Ah ! I see it now :)
> Perhaps you could be more specific on a) What you're trying to do b)
> What's the error you're getting with Fetchmail.
Want to download e-mail to my NetBSD laptop which has only Pine and W3M
installed for mail and web pages. No X-windows. I have to use SSL to
do that with something like Fetchmail.
I've wasted weeks trying to get Fetchmail to build. Finally checked my
work by getting hold of the source code from Eric Raymond's site only to
get the same error message..
All suggestions have so far failed to solve this strange compilation