Subject: support for modern intel chipsets
To: None <>
From: Matthias Buelow <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/06/2004 06:39:29
Hi folks,
I've bought a new Dell PC and found out that NetBSD won't even boot on
it. In particular, it seems that NetBSD has problems with one or more
of the following topics:
- PCI-Express
- Serial ATA
- Intel On-Board NICs such as the EtherPro/100 on the 915G chipset
- (not to speak of any extras such as sound, which are irrelevant for
basic work)
Are plans underway to resolve these issues in the near future? Perhaps
before the ultimate 2.0 release even?
Matthias Buelow; mkb@{mukappabeta,informatik.uni-wuerzburg}.de