Subject: Re: 2.0rc4 unstability
To: Eric Gillespie <>
From: Daniel Carosone <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/20/2004 15:34:38
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On Fri, Nov 19, 2004 at 10:26:44PM -0500, Eric Gillespie wrote:
> Douglas Brebner <> writes:
> > My machine sometimes panics at the end of the print job when printing to
> > a USB printer. I sent a PR but it seems to have gone missing.
> I have this same problem.  1.6 never had it, but i've seen it
> with 2.0 ever since i upgraded to 2.0 beta (i'm at RC4
> currently).

I saw this once only, and was never sure if the printjob was actually
at fault. When the machine came back up, the file was still in the
spool, and was printed again without problem.

Then again, I print stuff only very rarely, so this isn't much of
probability sample.


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