Subject: Re: nvnet (nforce network driver)
To: Tracy Di Marco White <>
From: Quentin Garnier <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/19/2005 07:27:36
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On Tue, Jan 18, 2005 at 08:33:15PM -0600, Tracy Di Marco White wrote:
> In message <>, Harley Laue writes:
> >I'm quite new to NetBSD (as in I just installed it today, but have had=
> >some experience with FreeBSD, but most of my experience is with Linux.)=
> >I was wondering if there's a way to get an nForce network card to run on=
> >NetBSD. FreeBSD has a ported version of nvnet, and Linux has forcedeth=
> >and the official nvnet. I was wondering if NetBSD had any similar driver=
> >which I've just missed in my search on google, and on the web site.=20
> >FreeBSD also has the NDIS for loading Windows network drivers. I also=20
> >couldn't find anything like this for NetBSD.
> >
> >If there isn't any driver for the nForce network card I was wondering if=
> >someone who knows NetBSD coding could port one of the above drivers to=
> >work with NetBSD. If there isn't anyway for any of these options to be=
> >used (an existing driver or porting one to NetBSD) I'll just give in and=
> >buy and NetBSD compatible card.
> If anyone wants to work on this, I've got one in my build machine and
> I can do any testing fairly easily. (It also has a 3com chipset.)
I'm currently working on it. I haven't had much time for it since the
busy holidays of the end of the year, but hopefully I should resume and
finish fairly soon.
Quentin Garnier - -
"Commala-come-five! / Even when the shadows rise!
To see the world and walk the world / Makes ya glad to be alive."
Susannah's Song, The Dark Tower VI, Stephen King, 2004.
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