Subject: Re: JAVA on MP, current pgsql
To: None <>
From: Bob Kemp <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/22/2005 16:49:47
On Fri, Jan 21, 2005 at 12:08:20AM +0000, Bob Kemp wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 20, 2005 at 12:02:28PM -0800, Andrew Gillham wrote:
> > Does anyone have time to do a binary search on cvs for the days
> > between known good and known bad?
> It must have happened between 2004-11-1 and 2004-12-21.
> I can try to get a more precise date.
I ran some tests using the script below and the bug seems to appear after
changes on the 18th Dec. For me, 2004-12-18 works but 2004-12-19 doesn't.
Of course, the changes might have just triggered an existing bug.
If anybody wants to double check, the test script will need local customisation.
See especially MyCommand(), getDate() and pkgclean.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MyCommand() {
psql -d MyDbase -U MyUser \
-c "
select dDate,dOpen,dHigh,dLow,dClose,dVolume
from amex_prices_daily
where stockId = ( SELECT stockId FROM symbols natural join
exchanges WHERE ticker = 'qqqq' and exchange = 'amex' )
order by dDate
" > /dev/null &
getDate() {
cd /usr/pkgsrc
## Quick tests
## cvs -d $root up -D $1 -Pd databases/*postgresql74* mk pkgtools
## Final tests
cvs -d $root up -D $1 -Pd
pgsql() {
/etc/rc.d/pgsql $1
deletePkgs() {
pkg_delete $(echo $pkgs)
date=2004-11-1 ## OK
date=2004-11-10 ## OK
date=2004-11-30 ## OK
date=2004-12-10 ## OK
date=2004-12-18 ## OK
## date=2004-12-19 ## FAILS
echo ''
echo Deleting pkgsrc work dirs
## From pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkgclean -- deletes all work dirs
## If you don't have pkgclean, uncomment the following
## rm -rf /usr/pkgsrc/*/*/work
echo ''
echo Updating from CVS
getDate $date
echo ''
pgsql stop
echo ''
echo Before building: pkgs are
pkg_info | egrep -i postgresql
echo '.'
cd /usr/pkgsrc/databases/postgresql74
make install >/dev/null
echo ''
echo After building: pkgs are
pkg_info | egrep -i postgresql
echo '.'
pgsql start
while [[ $j -le 30 ]]; do
MyCommand > /dev/null &
j=$(( $j + 1 ))
ps t
sleep 5
print '\n\n'
ps t