Subject: Re: successes and failures w/ pcmcia (linksys wireless, qlogic) on 2.0
To: John Refling <>
From: Steven M. Bellovin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/09/2005 14:56:06
In message <>, John Refling wri
>Finally, anybody heard of the New Media Bus Toaster scci card
>(manufacturer 0x0057, product 0xa002)?
I've heard of it, and even used to have one lying around, though I
think I got rid of it a couple of months ago. If memory servers (and
it probably doesn't), there were at least two versions, one of which
worked with BSD/OS and one of which didn't. THe one that did was just
an Adaptec something-or-other-low-end.
--Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,