Subject: SIP Express Router (ser) in NetBSD/i386
To: '' <>
From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Rub=E9n_Curto?= <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/17/2005 10:27:21
Hello World,
i was reading the Installation Notes for SER, and the Supported
arquitectures were:
* Linux/i386
* Linux/armv4l
* FreeBSD/i386
* OpenBSD/i386
* Solaris/sparc64
* NetBSD/sparc64
(For other architectures the Makefiles might need to be edited)
There are various configuration options defined in the Makefile and
Somedoby knows how to install for the NetBSD/i386? And which changes should
be made in the Make Files?
Thanks a lot...