Subject: Re: Problems with VIA tech EDEN ESP CPU core.
To: Steven M. Bellovin <>
From: John Clark <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/25/2005 15:48:07
Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
>In message <>, John Clark writes:
>>Michal 'hramrach' Suchanek wrote:
>>>On Fri, Mar 25, 2005 at 08:59:25AM -0800, John Clark wrote:
>>>>Apparently there have been problems with other VIA CPU's. Has anyone
>>>>found a fix. The 'boot' loader
>>>>loads and prints out a message about memory and such, but after that nix.
>>>>I've looked at what the bios prints out as 'northbridge/southbridge',
>>>>and the PCI ids are all to be found
>>>>in the pci listing in the kernel sources, etc. so it seems to be
>>>>something else.
>>>Is it possible it is the bootloader problem (ie does 1.6 work)?
>>Unfortunately I've dispatched my 1.6 setup to the o-zone, so I can't
>>test against that without
>>much 'hassele'. But if that is working for others, then I'll have to try it.
>>John Clark
>Just download the boot floppies and see if you can run a 1.6 install
I followed that advice, and verified that the 1.6.2 kernel boots for
both the bootlap1.fs and the boot-big.fs
installation floppies.
So, what are the differences in the 'from-bios-off-disk-boot-block', as
the 2.0 boot-big.fs floppy does not
even get me to the initial 'loading netbsd in xx sec...' message.
I'll look further, but I've not needed to venture into this area of the
netbsd environment before.
John Clark