Subject: Re: [2.0] Crashes on medium-high-end P4 systems?
To: Jonathan Stone <>
From: Thor Lancelot Simon <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/01/2005 15:31:21
On Fri, Apr 01, 2005 at 11:42:49AM -0800, Jonathan Stone wrote:
> In message <>Thor Lancelot Simon writes
> >
> >AFAICT only multiprocessor kernels can emit the panic message quoted
> >above. I suggest you check some of your assumptions.
> Err... I think the snipped text said that the OP (seebs?) had built
> his own SMP kernel on another machine; and that SMP kernel still
> crashes in approximately the same wall-time as the original kernel.
It said that he'd built a new kernel, but that's all.
He didn't actually send us any tracebacks from his old kernel, so there
is really no way to know what's going on. A bug report that characterizes
a series of tracebacks as all "memory-related" is not really specific
enough to be useful...