Subject: Re: panic on 2.0.2
To: NetBSD Port-i386 Users <>
From: Robert Zagarello <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/05/2005 14:46:39
It really sounds painful. Lightning can do strange
things to your equipment even if you have lightening
protection, surge protection and UPSs. Often a strike
on a power pole can be enough, so even when your
"facility" is lightning protected the surge can come
in over your power lines and overwhelm whatever surge
and UPS protection you might have. I still get the
heebie-geebies when a heavy lightning storm passes
over my home - I used to run around the house
unplugging my amp and PC equipment (maybe I'll start
doing that again (!) ). I've actually seen this
happen once at a corporate site and it wasn't pretty.
Time to document your losses and call the insurance
company, and do some heavy duty equipment swapouts!
Good luck... BZAG.
Andy Ruhl wrote:
Ok, I think I have ghosts in the machine, I doubt it's
NetBSDs fault.
I got hit pretty hard by lightning a week ago. Nothing
broke just
then, but the next day the motherboard in my amd64
machine broke. I
bought a new one and it's back in action.
The other machine that was panicing (my server, the
subject of this
thread), I had never actually powered it down since it
was panicing.
WHen I did, the root disk didn't show up, and I've had
problems making it work on a totally separate
motherboard now (this is
when using a mostly GENERIC kernel really pays off).
Oh well, likely not NetBSD's fault. It's my hardware.
And it's ugly.