Subject: Re: installation freezed
To: lepingouin.tux <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/27/2005 16:51:09
[CC:d port-i386]

On Wed, 27 Jul 2005, lepingouin.tux wrote:
> Hum, sorry, it just because I use a pc104 card and it's an embedded computer 
> !
> but i have no error message, just (in sysinst yes) a freeze message. And I 
> dont know if my disk is reconized properly (how to know that ?)!

Press ^C and type "dmesg" to see the boot messages, there should be a 
"wd0" or so in there (if you use a IDE disk; "sd0" for SCSI). 
Use "fdisk wd0" and "disklabel wd0" to see the MBR and NetBSD partition 

  - Hubert