Subject: Re: Running SMP port-i386 on dual core AMD64 chips
To: Frank van der Linden <>
From: Jeff Rizzo <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/14/2005 10:26:40
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Frank van der Linden wrote:
> David Brownlee wrote:
>> Will an MP i386 kernel run on a dual core AMD64 box?
>> We are currently running a heavy Java tomcat appliatoin server
>> on Asus A8V Deluxe based machines and looking for some more speed,
>> but as its all 32 bit java binaries we'd rather not switch to
>> port-amd64 just yet...
> It should, if you use MPACPI.
> - Frank
My experience with the asus a8v (non-deluxe) with dual-core athlon 3800
x2 is that GENERIC.MPACPI/amd64 does not work on it, though GENERIC.MP
_does_. I've successfully run a non-MP i386 kernel on it; as soon as
it finishes the build, I'll try the MP i386 version and let you know.
(Thus far, I've had nothing but bad luck with our ACPI code, never
actually having gotten _any_ system to work with it. This keeps me from
using it much :)
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