Subject: Re: troubles with USB keyboard
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: Rui Paulo <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/18/2005 18:35:26
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On 2005.11.18 15:34:14 +0100, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
| Hi,
| I got new dell systems with EMT64 CPUs. These systems don't have visible
| PS/2 ports and use a USB keyboard and mouse. For test purposes I installed
| netbsd-3/i386 and netbsd-3/amd64 from releng.
| With a AMD64 boot floppy and with amd64/GENERIC kernel, the keyboard is
| detected and functionnal if plugged in at boot. If I disconnect it, the
| kernel sees it go away but nothing happens when I reconnect. Not a big
| deal.
I have the same problem on my laptop running NetBSD i386 3.99.11. I
must wait some seconds after booting the kernel before trying to plug
anything USB related (pen disk, mouse, etc.) or else I won't be able
to connect any new peripheral or reconnect the one already plugged in.
-- Rui Paulo
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