Subject: Re: hardware SATA raid advice
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: Jonathan Stone <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/30/2006 11:54:48
In message <>Manuel Bouyer writes
>> Can you email me a pointer? Whatever these changes are, they're not in
>> amr(4), and my (very quick) scan of source-changes from March 2006
>> didn't find them.
>You did commit this, didn't you ? :)
Yes I did commit the cited changes, but the claim was:
johnrshannon> LSI has some newer devices for which support was very recently added to
johnrshannon> CURRENT; I have no experience with them.
whereas my changes were committed in early December 2005 and were, in
fact, pulled up to NetBSD-3.0 prior to its release (which is
not-unconnected to why I suggested the Megaraid 300-8x in my offlist email.)
... I guess John and I have a mild difference of opinion on what
counts as "very recent" :-).