Subject: Re: ne0 not configured
To: Mark E <>
From: Jonathan A. Kollasch <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/13/2006 22:18:56
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On Sat, May 13, 2006 at 02:45:02PM -0700, Mark E wrote:
> I just installed netbsd, I barely know how to look at
> files and edit them, that's it. I want to connect to
> my dsl service, I was following directions in the
> netbsd guide to configure pppoe0 but I couldn't get
> ne0 up. How do I configure ne0 (ethernet)?
ne(4) is the driver for NE2000 compatible ethernet
cards. You need to substitute that with your interface.
Running `ifconfig -a` will reveal the configured interfaces.
lo0 is the loopback interface, it's not the one you want.
Jonathan Kollasch
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