Subject: Re: IEEE 1394 in 3.0?
To: None <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/05/2006 11:46:37
In message <e8enpv$b26$>, Christos Zoulas writes:
>I've been forced in the past to use current in production because I needed
>features that only existed in current at the time. The short answer is that
>I tested it, and if it worked for me, I used it. For example, this has been
>running for a while:
FWIW, 3.99.21 won't go MP on my hardware. I have a beautifully and perfectly
jinxed computer. It has two processors, SCSI, and firewire. Any two will
work. FreeBSD can do firewire all the time, and either two processors without
the SCSI controller, or one processor with. (Turning off ACPI, which is the
only way to make SCSI work, prevents it from going MP.) NetBSD can do SCSI
and MP in 3.0, but not FireWire. 3.99.21 doesn't do MP, and also seems to be
unable to actually attach a disk in firewire. Obviously, MP works in general
in -current, so my most likely option is to build -current and try to debug
things there, because at least it SEES the second processor, and I can
probably find some obvious explanation for "cpu1: not started".
*sigh* At least it's not Linux.