Subject: Unable to boot NetBSD 3.0 on Asus P4R800V m/b
To: NetBSD mailing list <>
From: David Lord <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/03/2006 01:49:18
I have two fileservers, Asus P4R800V + Celeron 2400, running FreeBSD
since Feb 2004 currently v5.3. I decided to move these onto NetBSD
3.0 rather than upgrade to FreeBSD 6.x as already using NetBSD for
firewall and internet facing server.
I first tried with 3.0.1 boot floppy then booting from 3.0 cdrom with
same result on both servers. Partway through boot process the
keyboard leds flash on then off, and remain off, then shortly after
one of messages is 'kbc: cmd write error' and then hangs at probing
for isa pnp.
Anyone already have a solution to this?