Subject: Re: Install NetBSD from a USB memory stick?
To: None <>
From: Pierre Pronchery <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/20/2006 12:13:18
Steven Sartorius wrote:
> I'm in the process of putting together a small form factor box to use as
> a file server/mail server/firewall etc. for my home network.  To
> simplify things (and to trim the cost) I'd rather not install a floppy
> or optical drive.  The box will boot from a USB stick so I'd like to try
> and install NetBSD this way.  A quick Google turned up LiveKey which was
> interesting but not quite what I wanted -- I want to install NetBSD from
> the USB stick onto the machine's hard drive.  In effect, I'd like to
> "burn" a NetBSD .iso file onto the memory stick; when I boot from the
> stick I drop right into sysinst.  Anyone done this before?  Any
> tips/advice?

What I did successfully a few months ago was:
- format normally the USB stick
- copy the boot floppy image and tgz sets there
- installed grub on the stick
- chainloaded the floppy image and go

I had a few issues doing that, but I can't remember what I did and when
to solve them.

Hope this helps,