Subject: Re: netbsd 4.0 beta2 crashes when swapping
To: None <>
From: Pavel Cahyna <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/14/2007 08:43:13
On Sun, May 06, 2007 at 07:01:50PM -0400, Todd Kover wrote:
> I was able to go back to a 4.0_beta2 kernel from apr 16, 2007 that did
> not exhibit this behavior, and tried to completely a fresh beta2 build
> from yesterday (removing my obj and dest dirs) and still got the crash
> to happen. Both had my pullup of PR/35970 so I've ruled that out.
> The kernel that does not exhibit the behavior:
> NetBSD 4.0_BETA2 NetBSD 4.0_BETA2 (GENERIC) #14: Mon Apr 16 01:28:59 EDT 2007 i386
> (the cvs update for the branch would have been earlier that day, perhaps
> as much as 18 hours earlier).
> getting cvs to actually show a diff within a branch by date has been
> surprisingly painful with cvs 1.11, so I'm still trying to track down
> what might have changed.
If you find what change caused that problem, it would be really
To track what have changed in the netbsd-4 branch, search for emails with
netbsd-4 in the subject in source-changes@ archives - easy to do eg. with
mutt. If you do not have the email archives, use the news ones at . Or look at the list of resolved
pullup requests at
I think there were not too many kernel changes in the period you are
looking at.