Subject: netbooting an imac?
To: None <>
From: Emmanuel Dreyfus <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/20/2007 07:05:23
Anyone had some success netbooting an iMac?
The thing uses BSDP, a set of DHCP extensions, for that. dhcpd can be
configured for that, but I'm unable to boot something else than MacOS X.
I have this in dhcpd.conf:
class "AppleNBI-i386" {
match if substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 14) = "AAPLBSDPC/i386";
option dhcp-parameter-request-list 1,3,17,43,60;
if (option dhcp-message-type = 1)
{ option vendor-class-identifier "AAPLBSDPC/i386"; }
if (option dhcp-message-type = 1)
{ option vendor-encapsulated-options 08:04:81:00:00:67; }
# The Apple Boot Loader binary image. will TFTP the kernel and extensions
filename "macnbi-i386/boot.efi";
# NB: path len should be short enough
# option root-path "http://server/image.dmg";
# option root-path "nfs:server:/image.dmg";
The key point is boot.efi. I tried:
MacOS X's boot.efi, from /System/Library/CoreServices -> will boot MacOS X
rEFIt's refit.efi -> loops reloading refit.efi over TFTP
NetBSD's pxeboot_ia32_amd64.bin -> loops reloading it
GRUB's grub.efi -> loops reloading it
Anyone had more success?
Emmanuel Dreyfus