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NetBSD-5.0_BETA: unidentified AMD cpu


the service processor tells me for /SYS/MB/P0 and ../P1:

        type = Host Processor
        fru_name = QUAD-CORE AMD OPTERON(TM) PROCESSOR 2356
        fru_manufacturer = ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES
        fru_version = 03
        fru_part_number = 1002

which is, I think, consistent with what the marketing sheets.

However: NetBSD random86 5.0_BETA NetBSD 5.0_BETA (GENERIC) #0: Tue Jan
13 16:06:19 CET 2009 tells me:

> dmesg |grep cpu
cpu0 at mainbus0 apid 0: AMD 686-class, 2300MHz, id 0x100f23
cpu1 at mainbus0 apid 1: AMD 686-class, 2300MHz, id 0x100f23
cpu2 at mainbus0 apid 2: AMD 686-class, 2300MHz, id 0x100f23
cpu3 at mainbus0 apid 3: AMD 686-class, 2300MHz, id 0x100f23
cpu4 at mainbus0 apid 4: AMD 686-class, 2300MHz, id 0x100f23
cpu5 at mainbus0 apid 5: AMD 686-class, 2300MHz, id 0x100f23
cpu6 at mainbus0 apid 6: AMD 686-class, 2300MHz, id 0x100f23
cpu7 at mainbus0 apid 7: AMD 686-class, 2300MHz, id 0x100f23

a) should it know more?
b) does anything break because it doesn't know?


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