On 01/04/2010 03:58 PM, John R. Shannon wrote:
I updated NetBSD and compiled it but it stops during the boot at the same step as before. I will compile NetBSD with verbose options to have more information.On 01/03/10 10:16, Christophe Marchal wrote:On 01/03/2010 03:05 PM, John R. Shannon wrote:On 01/02/10 16:07, Pjoter wrote:Hi, did you try current maybe? Which version of NetBSD do you use? Pjoter.It was not in current when I tried it a few weeks ago. Support is in Linux and FreeBSD.Thank you John. Is the support in NetBSD planned for the next release ?I was able to install OpenBSD 4.6. Apparently, the solid state disk (SSD) I purchased for this project was bad; this install is on a normal laptop drive.Now, I'm unsure whether my problem with NetBSD current was due to the driver or SSD.
Thanks for your help. ChristophePS: Here is a screenshot of the monitor http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2682/4257661202_2e4fe252da_b_d.jpg