Subject: Re: GCC bug
To: Chris G. Demetriou <>
From: jason downs <downsj@CSOS.ORST.EDU>
List: port-m68k
Date: 07/12/1994 17:02:37
In message <>, "Chris G. Demetriou" writes:
>> Well, the GCC bug that is hosing nfs_serv.c on m68k machines seems to be
>> fixed in the FSF's current GCC sources. Now, updating the compile right
>> before a release does not give me a warm feeling inside, but what are we
>> to do?
>In a few words:
>find the bugfix and move it back into our tree.
>Sorry, it's just _too late_ to change the compiler, and you
>_know_ that there's at least one new bug that will seriously
>screw something up if we do change.
well, it comes to mind that although it can be seen as rather crufty, you
could do as Phil does, and come up with a set of patches/confs for 2.5.8 and
drop them in arch/m68k/2.5.8, or something. (or rolling ones for each port
would work better...)
to which release, after 1.0, would be it possible for you to actually
incorporate 2.5.8? it *is* a much better compiler, especially for m68k.
-------------------// jason downs // downsj@CSOS.ORST.EDU //------------------
---------------------------------------- JD105
"what i used to think was me is just a fading memory..." -- NiN/PHM