Subject: mkisofs on NetBSD-m68k
To: None <port-m68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Kerry Paulson <>
List: port-m68k
Date: 05/16/1996 18:10:02
Has anyone used mkisofs with NetBSD-m68k? I made a test image and
mounted it on /dev/vnd0c but the filenames were all 8.3 lowercase. I
can use -l to get long filenames, but the Rockridge extensions for the
filenames and symlinks seem to be ignored. I used mkisofs -Rv to create
the image.
I created an image of the same filesystem on a friend's linux box using
the same options and I get the RR extensions when I mount that image.
Are there patches to get this working with NetBSD/m68k?