Subject: Re: mkisofs on NetBSD-m68k
To: Kerry Paulson <>
From: J.T. Conklin <>
List: port-m68k
Date: 05/16/1996 17:24:15
>>>>> "Kerry" == Kerry Paulson <> writes:
Kerry> Has anyone used mkisofs with NetBSD-m68k? I made a test image
Kerry> and mounted it on /dev/vnd0c but the filenames were all 8.3
Kerry> lowercase. I can use -l to get long filenames, but the
Kerry> Rockridge extensions for the filenames and symlinks seem to be
Kerry> ignored. I used mkisofs -Rv to create the image.
I once tried to use mkisofs on my NetBSD/sun3 box, but found the
resulting image unusable.
I tracked it down to the mkisofs code doing arithmetic operations
involving "sizeof(struct ???)" for index calculations --- however
those sizes are different on m68k and a i386 (I assume mkisofs was
developed on a i386 linux box) because of structure padding.
Because I don't have the 9660 spec and I had a handy i386 box, I never
followed through. I did write the author explaining the problem, but
never heard back.