Subject: Re: client and proxy testers?
To: None <,,>
From: Nicolas Bruno BASTIEN <>
List: port-m68k
Date: 01/26/2003 20:50:24
John Klos wrote:
> Hi,
> Ralf Gebhart, one of the crew, has made the most recent
> dnet client available for m68k NetBSD. Anyone who is running the older
> client or is interested in giving their machine some work to do is welcome
> to test the new client to ensure it is working properly.
> He has also compiled the personal proxy for m68k NetBSD.
> If anyone out there is interested in using their m68k machine as a
> personal proxy, it wouldn't be bad to get some other testers for this,
> too. This was great for me - my OS X machine is behind NAT on a cable
> modem, whereas my m68k Amiga is colocated and always available.
> Please email me if you'd like to test either before they appear on the
> dnet download page.
> John Klos
> Sixgirls Computing Labs
I will have soon (I hope) an Amiga2000 under NetBSD 68k
I am using proxyper, so I am interested by netbsd amiga68k proxyper
once my a2000 will be operational, I will try to think about this
Nicolas Bruno BASTIEN