Subject: Re: [Amigacoldfire] CF4000 Prototype PCB Arrives!!! (fwd)
To: None <>
From: Aaron J. Grier <>
List: port-m68k
Date: 07/18/2006 23:39:57
On Tue, Jul 11, 2006 at 07:58:25AM -0700, DataZap wrote:
> It looks like progress is being made on the ColdFire processor board
> for the Amiga. I was wondering if anyone is currently working on
> porting NetBSD to the ColdFire processor? Well, let me know if there
> is anything that I can do to help move things along.
gcc4 has been imported to -current, so I assume that compiling with
-mcfxxxx is supported.
for the v4 cores, pmap would have to be rewritten for v4 MMU, and FPU
handling is quite different (64bit vs 80bit)...
coldfire is missing a load of addressing modes earlier 68k chips had; I
don't know if freescale offers an invalid instruction trap handler that
gives binary compatibility -- that might be the first step...
how are the coldfire cores being wedged into amiga anyway? (I know
nothing of the architecture... only CPU32, really.)
Aaron J. Grier | "Not your ordinary poofy goof." |
"silly brewer, saaz are for pils!" -- virt