Subject: Re: gcc 3/4 status for NetBSD 3/4
To: NetBSD port-m68k <>
From: arthur <>
List: port-m68k
Date: 02/07/2007 21:41:45
Paul Ripke wrote:
> AFAIK, gcc support for m68k--netbsdelf is still there, and it would
> appear your problem may be fixed in gcc 4.1.2 - at least the code
> in the PR compiles on my m68k Mac, which should mean it would build
> on sun3.
> I briefly looked at building TME, but I reckon it might take a week
> on this poor old system. I might kick it off anyway, just to see
> if it'd finish.
Thanks Paul - that's all great news. I'll wait until NetBSD4 (with
gcc4) install tape sets are released for sun3 - then try again to build
the TME emulator IN THE EMULATOR!