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Re: Natural alignment used on NetBSD/m68k

> Do you happen to know whether NetBSD has always used four bytes or did that
> change in the past?

Maybe we have to clarify the definition of "a natural alignment",
but IIRC there were incompatible alignment issue when we have
switched from a.out to ELF.

a.out ABI had a different alignment though I cannot find exact evidence,
but there was some discussion in archive:
>> Subject: Re: ELF and m68k
>>  :
>> Unfortunately, some AmigaOS structures are passed by our bootcode
>> to our kernel (struct cfdev [], struct boot_memlist []) and at
>> least the former has an evil sub-structure. I guess I'll need to
>> add __attribute__((packed)) to all of them?

Izumi Tsutsui

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