Subject: Re: Anyone home?
To: Allen Briggs <>
From: Matthew Hudson <>
List: port-m88k
Date: 03/09/2000 10:02:12
Well, the #1 thing needed right now is a better binutils.
I've been working on that, but my time is limited. Hopefully
after the end of this month I'll be able to put some serious
time into getting everything running. I'm more of a hardware
guy (device drivers, framebuffers, etc), but without a very
functional binutils everything is kinda moot. Once binutils
is going that will allow us to make a functional cross-compiler
which will be useful for those that have the slower AV3x0
systems. Do you have any experience with binutils?

I'm working on shipping an AV300 to Steve Murphree. I should
be able to get that done this weekend. I'll take some snapshots
of it before it goes out for your website. I will also get
pictures of my AV530, AV4620, and series 5000 server. It
seems most DG systems went out as that slim-line tower, the
only desktops I've seen are the AV3x0 (which should be the most
easily obtained for those that are interested in working on
this port).


Allen Briggs wrote:
> > So, who is doing what?
> I'm trying to find time to work on the AViiONs.  I've also received
> a luna88k box, but I've not gotten it hooked up yet.  The person or
> persons who were/are working on the luna68k port have mentioned (and
> sparked some discussion about details regarding) a luna88k port.  I
> don't know what their schedule or status is.
> So, what are you doing?  ;-)
> -allen