Subject: Moto 88k processor
To: None <>
From: John Peek <>
List: port-m88k
Date: 04/20/2001 22:17:02
I have a quad Moto 88100 unit that was retired from my office. It is
presently running sysV vrs 3.2 . I would very much like to install a
more contemparary O/S to be able to access new hardware and software
Is there a port of BSD that would support the multi-processor Moto 88100
units. I have been researching using Linux but they are now so Intel
oriented that I don't think it possible anymore.
I would like to use this box as a web server as these units are built
like tanks and just keep on running, while being easy to fix when they
do have a problem.
This particular box ran an entire office with Applix and custom database
software for 50 users at time. All we had to do was set up a cron job
to kill the hung processes every night and it was happy.
Your advice would be very appreciated.
John Peek
NetZero Platinum
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