Subject: a nice little (?) Web browser for MacBSD/X available
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/02/1995 23:50:07

I've compiled and uploaded a nice Web browser called chimera 1.65 on
my MacBSD ftp area  The
.tar.gz file contains only binary and man pages.  I've tested it with
a few pages on the Net, and it appears to work okay.

NOTE: It's patched for Japanese support and probably complains "Can't
setlocale to ja_JP.EUC" when you start it, but the error message is
harmless (well, it doesn't correctly display Japanese characters on
MacBSD/X, due to the broken .pcf files in the X distribution).

Okay, enjoy

Ken Nakata <> | "" -
 Rutgers - The State University of  | yet another unofficial NetBSD/mac68k
            New Jersey              | anon-FTP area.  For more NetBSD info,
     New Brunswick, New Jersey      | visit "http://www.NetBSD.ORG/".