Subject: the FAQ and stuff
To: NetBSD Mac68k <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: William Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/03/1995 17:38:55
If time permits, and I believe it should, I'll get what work I've done on 
the FAQ and related documents tarred up and sent to Allen by sometime on 
Monday.  I've managed to update a few things and get everything into 
linuxdoc-SGML format.  I have a few more things to update before I send 
it, but it is almost done.  All of the files are currently available in 
HTML format at the following location:

The pages without the file series numbers are usually the table of 
contents pages for that section.  If you have an comments or additions 
(i.e. actual information to add to the documents), please email me at the 
address below.

Colin Wood                 
Consultant	                  		  Rice University
Information Technology Services		              Houston, TX