Subject: Re: dt and Finnish? keyboard
To: Derrick Hutchinson <>
From: Valtteri Vuorikoski <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/10/1995 04:03:03
Derrick Hutchinson has randomly hit several keys, resulting in
> >Try running clear before running X. This doesn't solve the fact the
> >characters souldn't get printed, but at least they won't mess up the
> >screen.
Also run xconsole in X so messages to /dev/console go there.
> >Hmmm. The "problem" is that Valtteri, the dt port keeper, is Finnish.
> >Thus the default dt comes set up for the Finnish keyboard. Go into
> >config.h and comment out #define FI_LAYOUT. rm kbd.o & make. :-)
In the released versions, the default is no FI_LAYOUT. Only
my limited distribution-betas go out with the setting I use (-:
> I checked the config.h and the define FI_LAYOUT was already pounded out.
> kbd.o was not existent either in the /usr/dt-1.1.2 directory, so I renamed
> dt to preserve the old copy and did a make. The keys are still all screwy.
> Here is a list of the actual keys (KEY), what I get when I type both
> unshifted (USHFT) and shifted (SHFTD) on my Apple Extended Keyboard II:
Interesting. Some combinations seem to be from the Finnish
layout, but not all. I can't look at it for the next three
weeks since I'm in Oregon and currently I have to use a horrible
IBM XT in a borrowed office to get anywhere (anyone want to
donate a account so I can dial in ? :) (or tell
me if there's an isp around Eugene)
Anyway, you might want to have dt print the scan codes for the
keys it gets, see if they match in uskeyboard.h and if they don't
optionally tweak the file.
'Good-bye and hello, as always'