Subject: Re: netbsd.082495 failed booting on SE/30
To: Yoshihisa SUGIMOTO <>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/18/1995 09:38:15
> If this kind of question should be posted to macbsd-port, you think,
> I will post it to macbsd-port.
I will cc this to port-mac68k list as well.
> I tried netbsd.082495 on my SE/30 with 8 MByte RAM, Asante MC+30iET64
> and internal video, in vain.
The "netbsd.082495" you are referring to is of course the one on my
unofficial NetBSD/mac68k ftp area, right?
> The error messages are as follows;
> get_mapping(): Too many NuBus ranges.
> Non-system RAM (nubus, etc.);
> Log=0xf9000000, Phys=0x9000000, Len=0x100000 (1048576d)
> .......
> .......
> .......
> no internal video at address 0 -- videoaddr is 0xfee08040
> Done.
> Bootstrapping the pmap system.
> Failure in BSD boot. nextpa=0x103000, high[0]=0x100000
> panic: You're hosed.
Hmm, I've never experienced this but that's understandable since I
don't have Ethernet... Do you experience the same panic if you try
other similarly recent kernels? like the ones on and
> The parameter "MACOS_VIDEO" displayed on Booter 1.8 was 0xfee08040.
> I read machdep.c (Aug. 16), and I see if "MACOS_VIDEO", i.e. videoaddr
> in machdep.c, is 0xfee08040, an error will occur.
> However the netbsd 1.0 kernel where Ethernet isn't available will boot
> on the same environment.
> I'm wondering that MRG#25 kernel booted without Ethernet card, but did
> not with Ethernet card. A more strange phenomenon was that MRG#25 kernel
> which did not boot even without Ethernet card at first came to boot.
> I didn't try netbsd.082495 without Ethernet card, because I do need
> network available.
> Do you have any idea for it?
No, not really. That's why I'm cc'ing this to port-mac68k :-/
ken n.
Ken Nakata <> | "" -
Rutgers - The State University of | yet another unofficial NetBSD/mac68k
New Jersey | anon-FTP area. For more NetBSD info,
New Brunswick, New Jersey | visit "http://www.NetBSD.ORG/".