Subject: System Hang.
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/12/1995 09:02:04
Hello all,
Since there has been a lot of talk about system hangs/crashes relating to
SCSI, I through out the following data point.
Last night while tring to complete the install process from within MacBSD,
(base.tar.gz, etc.tar.gz, and a few others installed from MacOS the rest
cpin to a 4.3 ufs partion) the system hung twice while accessing the disk.
My root and usr partions have been updated to 4.4 ufs (fsck -c 2). I'm running
the TARBALLS from wormey ~ 9-19-95. The disk being written is an EZ135 which
is slow comparied to current fixed disk tech. but still prity fast comparied
to some of the old stuff. The EZ135 has 13.5 ms seek times.
Crash symptoms:
command used: zcat /mnt/comp.tar.gz | tar xvf -
results: Got ~ 75% done and hung with disk access light on.
Trace: Debugger, nmihand, lev7intr, lev2intr, sync, syscall, trap0
(I have the numbers if there of any help.)
Thoughts, I'm not running dt or X. A scroll might have been associated with
this hang? Although it looks to me like this hang has more to do with the
drivers forgetting where they were/ not accepting the reconnect.
The system crashed again later when I tried to install X. I ran out of space
half way through. So I killed the process and tried to rm -r X11R6. Half way
through this it hung again. This time causing some fs damage, all in the
X tree so I didn't care :).
So again I ask:
1) Which partion types should be recognized?
root [& usr] as sd?a
swap as sd?b
disk as sd?c
usr as sd?g
Now to get around this ufs type 2 inode structure thing I'd like
to make another partion XXXXX as sd?h for instance. Will this
work with either the MacOS install utility and/or the bsd68k?
I tried a couple of different aux filesystem types and got back
that the device /dev/sd?[e,f,h] were all either unconfigured or
I think pointed to my 2M MacOS partion that I use for booting.
I think my expariments have answered the first one. (Only what is shown
and no, in order for the installer to talk to the disk / must be 4.3, it
does no good to leave a 4.3 partion later on the same disk.)
2) Which SCSI drivers are in the wormy tar balls?
Just curious. It's taken 3 weeks to get the time to install this far.
Not likly I'll have the time to contribut anything signifacant.
Sorry if the tone of this note is at all inflamatory. It is just soooo
frustrating to be so close and yet not quite there.
Thanks for any insights.