Subject: Re: Remap Mouse-Buttons in X
To: Ben Syverson <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/12/1995 23:14:39
> I use a Dvorak keyboard, and am in the process of getting NetBSD running.
> In Linux switching keyboard maps it's as easy as a keyboard map *file*.
> Wouldn't this be easy to implement? I would hate to have to recompile my
> kern evry time I wish to switch between qwerty and dvorak :)

You're welcome to work on this.  It shouldn't be too hard to implement a
few ioctls to load key mappings.  I don't know exactly how useful this
is, because most people will be using X or dt or screen and it's not
hard to do the translation in those kinds of programs (xmodmap is your
friend ;-).

> Also, Mkfs for mac kind of sucks. Isn't there any way it can guess more of
> the info? I own a Zip drive, and, well, I just don't *know* how many
> bytes/inode I want, or Cylinders/group there are on a Zip 100. Is there
> hope? has limited info....stuff I coulda guessed.

I hope to not require the MacOS tools like these.  If we do, they should
be updated, but so far, I don't recall anyone stepping up to work on
improvements to them.

> One more thing - where's the X-Server for NetBSDm68k? Is it B&W only? I'm
> salivating...somebody help me


You might want to wait until 1.1 comes out, but you're welcome to grab
it now...  ;-)  I recommend installing it from within NetBSD (not using
the NetBSD/mac68k Install Utility).

Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/mac68k **
   Where does all my time go?  <a href="">Guess.</a>