Subject: An interesting PPP phenomenon
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Scott Reynolds <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/20/1995 22:00:31
When I start a PPP session from my shell or from a dt screen, and I exit 
without killing pppd, my console/terminal hangs.  This has happened both 
with the console/adb and with tty01 on my system (I have a terminal 
connected to tty01).  I can logout, but *poof* the keyboard seems to be 
locked up.

Once, to my great surprise, logging in on the terminal and killing pppd 
"unlocked" the adb, and I could type again!

This seems to be relatively easily repeatable.  I'm too cowardly to try 
it right now, as I'm doing several important things, but I thought I 
should at least pass this along to see if any of the rest of you can 
verify this sort of behavior.  I trust not, though. :-)
