Subject: Re: Setting time locks up keyboard
To: Allen Briggs <>
From: Alan Palmer <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/03/1995 10:31:47
I'm seeing a similar problem with date using a (relatively) old kernel from around
9/25/95. When I try to set the date I get a vmfault, then the whole machine hangs. I
can't get into the debugger, just have to do a hard reboot. This happens anywear (x,
console, didn't try dt)
System specs:
Apple Performa 600 + ftp
internal video
seagate 1G (st13400) drive internal (with NetBSD partitions)
Quantum 500M drive, internal, only mac
apple extended keyboard II
Kensington Turbo Mouse
(which btw does not follow the apple extended mouse protocol since I can't
use it as a multi-button mouse with Ken's mouse driver patches)
12Meg Ram
Alan Palmer <- prefered.