Subject: Re: Updating Libraries...
To: None <>
From: John P. Wittkoski <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/09/1995 10:10:23
> Why not releasing the specific sources, John ?
> (damn i finally asked ;) )

Yes, I will be releasing them. Just not yet. :-) They are still in progress and
there are a few things I want to do before I release them.

> I have downloaded all the 1.1 kernel sources and i am able to tune and compile
> a kernel but, since i have a mac lciii, it is totally useless : i miss your
> specific code to open the adb bus.

I have been working on getting a 1.1alpha kernel compiled with my code (with
improvements!). Last night I lost several _hundred_ files to a bad crash and
it will be a day or two before I have time to recover everything and am up and 
able to compile again.

> You should also consider to merge your code with the official sources. What is
> your feeling about it ?

That is not up to me. Right now, my changes work only with the IIsi/vx/vi, 
Performa 600 and LCIII (that I know of). My changes _won't_ work with the
II, IIx, IIcx, IIci, or SE/30 at all, because they use a different ADB format.
My long range goal is to _improve_ ADB support, not get some machines 
working while sacrificing others.

Since I have support for the IIsi-adb-like machines pretty well worked out,
once I have a 1.1 kernel that works with them, I am going to try to add 
support for the II-series machines. Perhaps then, when this code supports the
current machines (II-series) AND newer machines (IIsi-adb-series), these 
changes could become part of the official source. But I don't see any point in 
trying to change things before they are ready.


 John Wittkoski				InSoft, Inc.
 Senior Systems Engineer                Phone: (717) 730-9501
 Email:                  Fax  : (717) 730-9504