Subject: Re: Full source dist.
To: Julian Bean <>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/09/1995 13:18:36
> What I would like to now is, roughly, how much disk space will that take
> up,
On my SE/30, the filesystems /, /usr, /usr/src, and /usr/X11R6 are
using about 19M, 53M, 200M, and 74M respectively (/usr/src includes
compiled objects and executables).
> and how much of the tree can be shared between the two.
Almost all of it! Not just source tree, but most binaries are
sharable between the two. Exceptions are X servers and few others.
> (assuming NetBSD/mac68k will recognise my Asante card - gulp!).
I think the Asante card will work.
> Also, are the two 68k ports binary-compatible?
All m68k ports except hp300 port can run same binaries.
Hope this helps,