Subject: Re: Elm & setlongjump
To: Allen Briggs <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/14/1995 21:14:43
I went back and checked into the problem more, and I think it's library
error. Here's a sample of the compile output:
pokey# make
cd lib; /usr/bin/make - all
cd src; /usr/bin/make - all
cc -o ../bin/elm addr_util.o alias.o aliaslib.o args.o
a_edit.o a_screen.o a_sort.o a_quit.o
bouncebk.o builtin.o calendar.o curses.o date.o
delete.o edit.o editmsg.o elm.o
encode.o exitprog.o expires.o file.o file_util.o
fileio.o find_alias.o forms.o hdrconfg.o
help.o in_utils.o init.o leavembox.o lock.o
limit.o mailmsg1.o mailmsg2.o mime.o
mkhdrs.o newmbox.o options.o out_utils.o
pattern.o pmalloc.o quit.o read_rc.o remail.o
reply.o returnadd.o save_opts.o savecopy.o
screen.o showmsg.o showmsg_c.o signals.o softkeys.o
sort.o string2.o strings.o syscall.o utils.o
wildcards.o wordwrap.o ../lib/libutil.a /usr/lib/libcrypt.a -ltermlib /usr/lib/libc.a
editmsg.o: Undefined symbol `_siglongjmp' referenced from text segment
editmsg.o: Undefined symbol `_sigsetjmp' referenced from text segment
in_utils.o: Undefined symbol `_sigsetjmp' referenced from text segment
signals.o: Undefined symbol `_siglongjmp' referenced from text segment
signals.o: Undefined symbol `_siglongjmp' referenced from text segment
signals.o: Undefined symbol `_siglongjmp' referenced from text segment
*** Error code 1
*** Error code 1
siglongjmp seems to be in libc (according to nm). I'm using an old libc
(from April 30 sources), but I'd doubt this would have changed??