Subject: Re: talk probs...
To: Mack Nagashima <mackn@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/27/1995 08:52:06
> Is it [1.1] fully compat with the IIsi? and how do i update all my
> files to the 1.1 version without disrupting my customized files.. like
> most of the files in /etc...or do i just NOT install the new etc package?
Don't install the new /etc package. Install the rest, boot into single
user mode, unpack the new etc into a different location ("cd /tmp ; tar
zxvf /usr/dist/etc11"). Then fixup by hand.
I am hoping that 1.2 will have better installation and upgrade tools.
> Also..where can i get the FULL set 1.1 files? i think i saw a
> directory for it on some FTP site but it was empty...
You should soon be able to get them from and mirror sites.
I have delegated the build responsibilities, and while I have access to, I don't have access to the currently-built set of
binaries, so I can't update the files... :-(
Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/mac68k **
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