Subject: Re: formatter (was LC475)
To: Monroe Williams <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/28/1995 00:14:27
[ From the "ancient history" section of my mailbox ]
> Is there any reason we can't use the "name" field of the partition
> map for our own purposes?
Sort of a "chicken and egg" problem. Sure, we could have BSD utility
that allowed us to change that partition name, but that won't help
people get NetBSD installed well. I don't really see a problem using
A/UX partitions if we can figure out what-all they look like.
Actually, BSD doesn't look at the name. It looks at the partition type,
then at flags within structures of the partition map--namely, the
Block Zero Block. It occurs to me that we might be too strict here--
looking at the code for the first time in a year or two. I might play
with this a tad when I find the time.
> It's nice to have the kernel be clever about recognizing partitions,
> but I don't want to have to outsmart it to get it to do what I want. :)
> If we allow people to _tell_ it which sub-device to use for each partition,
> nobody loses.
That was the idea behind allowing the booter to specify a partition
name--that field is ignored unless there are two "root" partitions in
sight on the disk.
Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/mac68k **
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