Subject: Re: installer1.0
To: Steven T. More <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/10/1995 09:25:40
> I have been using macbsd1.0 since the summer and have had loads of fun.


> I have downloaded all the 1.1 to the macOS side.
> When I startup the installer and choose where my root disk is I choose #2.
> Then I get this error:
> Error on SCSIRead(), #5
> /:bad dir ino 2 at offset 0; mangled entry
> bad dir
> I had been getting some fsck errors so I converted to level2 (fsck -c 2)
> but that had no effect on the installer on MacOS.

It should have had an effect.  You're seeing it, above.  The installer
doesn't grok level 2 ffs.  If it worked, you were lucky.

The below is not for the faint of heart, and I may or may not be able
to help you if you have a problem with the below procedure.  Hopefully,
the next release will have a real upgrade procedure--several people have
offerred to work on it (three cheers for those folks ;-).

I recommend booting into 1.0, single-user mode and using hfs to get
the files into NetBSD.  Extract them from there.  You will want to do
something like:
# cd /
# cp /bin/sh /usr/bin/tar /usr/bin/gzip /tmp
# exec /tmp/sh
# mv /sbin/init /sbin/init.old
# PATH=/tmp:$PATH tar zxpf /usr/distrib/base11
# tar zxpf /usr/distrib/comp11
# ... etc ...

The reason for the extra commands and the path change for the base11 tar
is to make sure that you can overwrite executables that are running.

To upgrade /etc, you might want to extract into a different location
and merge by hand.  If not, you might want to backup at least:

	master.passwd group fstab myname hosts hosts.equiv rc.local

and anything else that you might have customized.

Have fun...


Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/mac68k **
   Where does all my time go?  <a href="">Guess.</a>